Kevin McCarthy Digital Reading

Are you looking for Kevin McCarthy-focused digital reading that expresses a unique viewpoint? If so, get your copy of The Washington Mafia by Peter Gazerro. It’s an eBook that you can read or listen to anywhere. Gazerro exposes the link between Trump and his closest supporters in Washington D.C. politics, including Keven McCarthy. Most notably, the fact that McCarthy expressed Trump’s guilt.

Congressman McCarthy and Senator McConnell connected Trump to the events on Jan 6th. They were the ones in the position to hold him responsible. Plus, it was their job as duly elected representatives of their constituents sworn to uphold their oath of allegiance to the US Constitution. But they didn’t. They each had excuses, but in the end, they later received key endorsements from Trump.

Who can help us if our representatives won’t? Who can keep them honest if they can’t do it for themselves? How can we be a free country when we allow the hidden power brokers who run this country to operate unimpeded? How can we ever get justice for the two fallen heroes of Jan 6th? This is only a small taste of what’s discussed about McCarthy in this short but powerful eBook.

More insight:

  • Read up on Kevin McCarthy with digital reading about Trump and his cronies.