Book on Fox Cable News Dictation of Hate

In the book on Fox Cable News – Dictation of Hate, the author spells out the journey of this country as millions of viewers of Fox News were duped into supporting the biggest traitor in this country’s history: Donald Trump! Their willingness to spread lies and hot from the POV of a privileged White America incited such rage and disgust at a time when it might’ve been possible for White America to wake up.

Specifically, the insincere words of Fox News Anchor Laura Ingraham, as she preyed upon the hearts and minds of the masses to compete against Sean Hannity for ratings, never once showed any genuine concern for those directly affected by the loss of a Capitol police officer, Biran Sicknick, and USAF Veteran, Ashli Babbitt. Fox’s rhetoric is bigger than the talking heads who read from the teleprompters.

Remember, folks: news anchors at the national level are not chosen for their exemplary journalistic discipline and ethics. They’re actors who can convey the stories written for them to be both convincing and appealing to Fox’s demographic. What did you expect of the national news in a nation where news stations are subject to the same rating orientation as the networks that show singing contests?

  • Read a book on Fox Cable News – Dictation of Hate to see the bigger picture.